Cinema in Coventry
Movies now showing
Dive into a world of blockbusters, indie treasures, foreign gems, and timeless classics at Warwick Arts Centre Cinema. Find cinema showtimes and book your cinema tickets now, for an unforgettable viewing experience.
Films near you
Always searching for a ‘unique cinema near me’? Look no further! Warwick Arts Centre Coventry is home to 3 screens, immersive audio, and relaxing seats with plentiful leg room. Whatever movies now showing, enjoy it in maximum comfort with the latest visual and audio technology.

Making cinema accessible for all
Film is for everyone. For that very reason, all our cinema screens are fully accessible. This makes it easy for everyone to escape into the world of film and watch the latest movies now showing.
You’ll also find accessible toilets available throughout the building, including a Changing Place facility.

Cinema tickets
Ready for some cinematic magic? Secure your seats for the best films in Coventry at Warwick Arts Centre Cinema. With online booking, it's easier than ever to reserve your spot for an unforgettable cinematic experience. Don't miss out – book your cinema tickets today!

Join our Film Club
Calling all film buffs, cinema lovers and movie fans!
Everyone is Welcome
We strive to make sure that our Arts Centre is a place that everyone can meet. We're continuously improving our building and our offer to include as many…
Eating and Drinking
Coffee-to-go, or dinner-and-a-show? Whether you’re raising a glass, grabbing a snack, or meeting up for a meal, we’ve got a range of options for you in…