Playing Out
Playing Out is a collaborative project based in our local neighbourhood of Canley.
About Playing Out
Playing Out in Canley is a programme of creative activity and partnerships taking place in Canley since 2021. It is a collaborative project between Canley residents and Warwick Arts Centre designed for and by participants of all ages.
Working with a Community Steering Group and the wider Canley Community, the project has developed a significant presence through regular activities such as the Canley Samba Band, Creative Workshops, the Canley Newsletter and the annual outdoor cinema on Prior Deram Park. The biggest community event is the annual Canley Parade.
As part of the project we have worked with artists throughout with an aim to embed creativity in the area. We are working with Assemble Studio and artists Jane Thakoordin, Niall Singh and Carrie Backhouse on a series of public art pieces to mark the parade route.
In addition our digital publication shares a newly commissioned poem for Canley by poet Navkiran Kaur Mann and a written documentary piece by social historian and ‘Canley kid’, Dr Ruth Cherrington that transports us to the Canley Parade. Finally by watching our film you experience the parade’s movement and sound as created by residents with artists Dave Barrett and Francesca Robson.
With thanks to our community partners and steering group members including: Bonneville Place, Canley Community Church, Canley Community Centre, Canley Library, Canley Pop-Up Café, Canley Stakeholders group, Cannon Park Primary School, Charter Primary School, St Stephens Church, Westwood Academy and Willowbrook Residential Village.
Find out more about Playing Out.
Playing Out is kindly supported by Spirit of 2012.
Watch the film
People of The Parade

Get involved
If you live in Canley and would like to get creative with us, please get in touch.
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